2025 Annual Bull Sale
April 12th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. PDT

Bar T Bar breeding philosophy
- We cull the ones that don’t work -
Simplified crossbreeding: We optimize maternal hybrid vigor by sourcing outcross Angus Red and Black (British), Gelbvieh (continental), and SimAngus for our Balancer Genetics. Brangus, Beefmaster, or Santa Gertrudis (heat-tolerant) genetics with the Balancer producing Southern Balancer Genetics. In our own commercial herd, using Balancers® and Southern Balancers has reduced the number of herds we run, increasing range-management flexibility and reducing costs over time.
Added value in the marketplace: We produce calves that meet the industry demand for feedlot efficiency and carcass grade and yield. Those cattle that meet grid and branded specifications are even more valuable.
Leachman Cattle of Colorado
This year, Bar T Bar Ranches and Leachman Cattle of Colorado align for the next page in our Genetic Selection and marketing. Leachman Cattle of Colorado is the largest U.S beef cattle seedstock producer and are unmatched in their quality and quantity. Their system consistently proves genetics through massive data collection by cooperators and the creation of their own data system.
New Index Values We Are Incorporating:
$Profit: $Profit is a numerical index used to evaluate traits in beef cattle. $Profit is the ONE NUMBER that predicts your bottom line!
$Ranch: The $Ranch financial index is an economic model that rates livestock for profit from birth through weaning based on fertility, milk, growth, cow feed intake and mature size.
$Feeder: The $Feeder financial index is an economic model that rates the livestock for profit from weaning to harvest. It includes feed conversion, carcass value and carcass weight. The index that puts it all together!

Contact Us
The Prosser Family
P.O. Box 190
Winslow, AZ 86047
Bob Prosser: 928-380-5149
Seedstock Herd Manager, Kristin Hovey
Bob was awarded the
"2017 Breeder of the Year"
by the American Gelbvieh
Our Promise
- $ RANCH for Leachman Cattle Company
• All our sale bulls’ averages rank in top 13%
• Their mothers calve every year in 45 days or they are gone
• All our sale bulls’ averages rank in the top 13% for Fertility & top 10% for Teat & Udder scores
• All our sale bulls’ averages rank in top 7%
• Balanced trait selection for Life Cycle Efficiency, moderate size, post weaning growth, carcass merit & low PAP.
• All our sale bulls averages rank in top 13%
• Feed efficiency tested since 2010.
• Every bulls in the sale is feed efficiency tested.
Website Design By Ranch House Designs, Inc.